The first of the Gauntlet of Shar trials in Baldur's Gate 3, the Soft-Step trial will be a potentially frustrating stealth challenge where you must avoid even the shadows. One wrong step will send you reeling back right where you started. Fun, right?

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: How To Solve The Thorm Mausoleum PuzzleAlthough you might be tempted to skirt on by, you'll need this trial if you have any intention of discovering what lies at the end of the Gauntlet of Shar and finding the Nightsong. So get those boots stepping through the door because you've got a trial to complete.

Soft-Step Trial Walkthrough

Astarion Sneaks Behind Patrolling Shadow Of Shar Soft Step Trial

The concept of this trial is simple: Get to the end of the maze without getting caught.

This trial includes a maze where unseen shadow entities patrol the corridors. They have a type of vision that allows them to see forward in the direction they move. If you are caught, you must restart the maze.

There are several traps and blocked paths in the maze. Before beginning the trial, you can unlock the doors and disarm every trap inside.

Shadowheart Casts Blessing Of Trickster On Astarion For Soft Step Trial

To begin the trial, interact with the Shar offering bowl and give your blood to it. This will open the doors into the labyrinth.

You will want to take the center door with a single, stealthy character.

Before stepping through, you might want to cast spells like Pass without a Trace or Blessing of the Trickster - anything to boost your Stealth. Remember that certain armors will invoke disadvantage on stealth checks, so ensure yours doesn't before attempting the trial.

Astarion Sneaks In Soft Step Trial Into Far Left Room

Although there are several levers in this maze, it is not recommended to pull them. Doing so will change the layout of the maze. It does not necessarily make the trial easier.

Instead of pulling them, travel through the center door and, once the shadow patrolling the hall has passed from left to right, head towards the left, upper door it came through. Beware of the trap in the doorway.

Jump over the trap if it is not disarmed. You have two options here:

  1. Travel the intended path by going right through the next doorway (beware the trap) and down the long hallway.
  2. Jump through the small window on the upper side of this room for a shortcut.
Astarion Hides In Wall Corner While Shadow Patrols Past Soft Step Trial

If you go through the long hallway, you'll need to beware of the shadow patrolling. Walk quickly while hiding and hugging the left wall until you reach the corner of the next doorway.

Wait for the shadow to pass and then go through it. Turn left and go up the stairs.

If you jumped through the small window, all you must do is go forward and right up the stairs.

Astarion Finds Locked Iron Door At End Of Soft Step Trial

Both paths lead to a locked iron door you must lockpick to open. After doing so, enter and take the Umbral Gem.

Interact with the statue to teleport back to the main entrance where you can continue the Gauntlet of Shar. Next on the itinerary? The much simpler Self-Same trial.

NEXT: Baldur's Gate 3: How To Defeat Yurgir The Orthon In Shar's Gauntlet