Magic: the Gathering fans certainly aren't hurting for news right now, getting an avalanche of announcements at Gen Con over the weekend. Our tabletop editor Joe Parlock covered it all, so you can check out anything you missed. But you better catch up soon, because there are somehow even more announcements on the horizon.

This comes straight from MTG's head designer, Mark Rosewater. On his blog, Rosewater reveals that they didn't announce everything that we'll be getting in the next three years at Gen Con. This means we're in for a busy period in the MTG community, with plans set out for the next few years.

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We get this news courtesy of a fan question sent to Rosewater's Tumblr: "Were the announcements yesterday everything that’s coming out in that span of time? Or just major releases? Like there’s no Jumpstart set in the announcements but does that mean that we definitely won’t be getting a Jumpstart set till 2027? [sic]"

Rosewater doesn't go into much detail at all, but the response is very telling, "We didn’t announce absolutely everything." This means that anything that wasn't announced at Gen Con hasn't necessarily been pushed back into 2028 and beyond, as there are still announcements to come from MTG.

Assassin's Creed MTG Ezio Art by Fajareka Setiawan
Assassin's Creed MTG Ezio Art by Fajareka Setiawan

This isn't too surprising, given the news we got earlier in the year. Commander Masters wasn't announced until February of this year, despite launching on August 4. The announcement was also six months after the rest of the 2023 reveals. This proves that MTG isn't afraid to leave announcements until relatively close to launch, so some 2027 releases may only get revealed in a couple of years' time.

Of course, the current lineup seems like more than enough to keep fans busy for years to come. With Jurassic Park, Fallout and Assassin's Creed, we have three huge collaborations. These are set to launch in late 2023 and spring 2024 respectively. Then, we have Ravnica Remastered, Murders At Karlov Manor, and Ravnica: Clue Edition in Q1 2024. Other than that, the rest of the year will bring us Outlaws Of Thunder Junction, Bloomburrow, Duskmourn: House Of Horror, and Modern Horizons 3.

As mentioned before, we also have a decent idea of what we're in for beyond 2024, with some packs coming in 2025 and 2026. With 2024 already looking so stacked, it's possible that the other announcements Rosewater is referring to will release further down the line. Although we can't rule out any surprises like Commander Masters.

With all of this, and of course, that huge manhunt for the MTG One Ring card, it's safe to say this has been a pretty big year for tabletop fans. It remains to be seen when these future projects are unveiled.

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