We're less than a month away from Baldur's Gate 3's PC launch, so developer Larian is treating us to a better look at the final version of the game that's been in early access for years. Yesterday's Panel from Hell revealed a bunch of new content coming on August 3, and all in all, there's no shortage of ways to customize your playthrough, whether that's through combat, or narrative changes depending on the type of character you're playing.

But it wasn't a new class or spell that blew viewers away last night, oh no. While previewing the game's romance options, fans were treated to a look at some of the more intimate love scenes, and oh boy, were they something. In one scene, viewers on Twitch were allowed to select the dialogue options, and obviously chose the lewdest ones available. This resulted in the player character getting down and dirty with their Druid boyfriend - while taking on the form of a bear.

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Yup, it's official: Baldur's Gate 3 lets you screw a bear. Well, technically it's a Druid taking the form of a bear thanks to his Wild Shape ability. But in practice, you're getting jiggy with a bear. Yes, the concern about the, uh, size difference is raised. Twitch chat chose to throw caution into the wind and proceed anyway, because of course they did.

The best part is that the devs then admit that they knew fans would go for that option - because after so long in early access, they know that the player base wants to get a little freaky. And why not? The only limit in Dungeons & Dragons should be your imagination. And Baldur's Gate fans have a very active imagination, it seems. They didn't even hesitate when it came to banging the bear. You have to respect it.

In fairness, the guy that turns into the bear, Halsin, is pretty easy on the eyes too. In the love scene, you can actually proceed with him in his usual elf form if you want. The poor guy actually doesn't even mean to take on a bear shape at first, and only does because he's so nervous. When he's back to his usual form, you have three options: continue to get down and dirty, encourage him to go bear mode again, or call the whole rendezvous off. If you're a coward, that is.

Whatever your preference, Baldur's Gate 3 will be available for PC players on August 3, and PlayStation 5 on September 6. Further platforms are planned after launch.

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