After surviving the post-apocalyptic world of Remnant: From The Ashes, it is no surprise that your battle wasn't over quite yet. In Remnant 2, your fight against Root is still continuing, but you may be the key to stopping this invader once and for all.

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During your journey in the game, you will discover a series of interesting locales, some of which random, but all of which deadly in their own rights. There's a good amount of replayability in these worlds, as well as plenty of challenges, but which of them is the best to spend time in. The ones that offer balanced challenges, great loot, and well-designed enemies?

6 The Labyrinth

Remnant 2: The Archon In The Labyrinth

One of the only-non-randomized worlds in the game, the Labyrinth is well-named, for its walls are seemingly never ending. Think of The Labyrinth as a sort of gateway. Here is where you'll end up when trying to travel from one world to another. It used to be nice, orderly, and nearly serene. Now, it's falling apart, which makes travel a little more frustrating than you may like.

This world is an interesting addition that makes the travel between worlds feel more meaningful, but a lot of the times you'll dread entering this area. Upon first entering this area, you may think the winding paths and even the stand-your-ground type battle against constructs to be rather entertaining.

That all changes when you meet the Labyrinth Sentinel. All those players before you who were muttering something about "that cube" all make sense after that boss fight. It's an interesting concept for a world and boss, but one that ends up being a slog more times than not.

5 Ward 13

remnant 2 ward 13 with stalls and main thouroghfare leading to glowing crystal

Ward 13 is your headquarters for the fight against Root. While it may not have a lot to offer compared to other worlds, it is interesting. It's a lot like The Tower and The Farm in the Destiny series. It's a hub, a place to trade and chat with NPCs, and somewhere to go when you want to relax for a minute.

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It can be a lot of fun running around this area and getting acclimated to the world of Remnant 2, and it even has some surprises for those with keen eyes. There isn't much to do here other than that though. Although, there's not supposed to be. You need to be put there fighting the good fight. It works for a hub world, but there isn't much to entertain yourself with other than making a pit stop here once in a while.

4 N'Erud

remnant 2 player looking up at giant black hole

N'Erud is a futuristic set-piece of a world that is actually a giant moving machine that moves across the universe. This world is grand and often overwhelming, but often in a good way. This is the place to go when you want that sci-fi side of the game. You'll get cool weapons like The Atom Smasher, and fight baddies including robots and parasites aplenty.

That being said, it all feels weirdly out of place. After going to other locations and seeing what they have to offer, it sort of falls short. There could have been more done to tie the sci-fi aspects of this world to other worlds, or vice-versa. It's an interesting concept, but it doesn't reach its peak.

3 Yaesha

remnant 2 lush and red toned forest with ruins

The lush and nearly thriving world of Yaesha is rather at odds with many of the other worlds of Remnant 2. The lush canopy of the trees overhead blocks out most of the light, and vines swallow up ruins left and right. It's a world where nature rules. At least for the most part now due to Root's reaching grasp. It's fun to see the more fantasy-inspired side of the game.

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Here, you'll fight mushroom-covered beasts with makeshift-crossbows and swords while adorning youself with armor of twisted roots and leaves. It's a fun area, but a lot of the time it feels like more of a themed side quest than an actual set piece for the game as a whole.

2 Losomn

remnant 2 spirit type enemy hovering in gothic courtyard with two characters preparing to attack

Losomn is a culmination of the Fae and Dran worlds. It's a place of fire, chaos, and most of all deadly enemies. The world has a heavy gothic feel to it that feels grim and moody, but the game pulls it off without being heavy-handed. There are fairly challenging enemies here from time to time, but not so much that it becomes overwhelming.

Creatures like The Grime Crawler and weapons like The Bone Chopper or The Double-Barrel really drive the theme of this world home. The whole time you're here all you can think about is just how much Root has done to destroy everything and how much you want to stop it.

1 Root Earth

remnant 2 trip of characters aiming weapons at large cyclopean crature rising from pit

If you want to see what Root can do to a world, then Root Earth is where you'll need to go. And you won't have much of a choice, because that's where your journey culminates. The world is desolate. All around you the presence of Root is there, and it often feels inescapable.

It's such a fun, if not grim, setting for the end of the second installment of this series. It feels natural to see just what you're fighting in the purest form. It's almost scary at times, to be a lone Traveler facing off against such a powerful enemy, and that's exactly what you'd want from such a world. Even the world building here gets you geared-up for the inevitability of the final boss fight of this game and that's impressive.

Next: Remnant 2: Beginner Tips