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There are tons of guns, accessories, relics, and armor pieces you can find in Remnant 2 that completely change your gameplay experience. As you progress through the game, you'll gain access to even more equipment, allowing you to change up your build and loadout as the need arises.

Related: Remnant 2: How To Get The Plasma Cutter

The Star Shot is a powerful handgun that can deal extremely high damage, even from long range, especially with its exclusive weapon Mod, Big Bang. To get this weapon, you'll have to brave the wastes of N'Erud. Below, we'll take a look at where to find the coffin pods that contain the Star Shot, and how to open them.

How To Get The Starshot Handgun

star shot handgun stats

The Star Shot Handgun can be obtained by finding an unlocking coffin pods in certain maps on N'Erud. However, there are a few steps you need to complete in order to unlock these coffins after you find them.

Where To Find Coffin Pods

coffin pod before activation

While exploring N'Erud, you may come across coffin pods that you can interact with. If you interact with it, it will start beeping as if alerting something to its presence. However, no matter how long you wait, nothing will appear unless you take additional steps.

There are a total of five coffin pods scattered around N'Erud. They can appear in the following four maps.

  • Abyssal Rift
  • The Eon Vault
  • Timeless Horizon
  • Phantom Wasteland

If you have more than one of these maps in your campaign roll, all five coffins will appear in the same map, so you don't have to worry about jumping around to different areas to find them.

From afar, you'll be able to see a bright orange light that indicates one of the coffin pods. Keep an eye out for this orange light as you search.

How To Unlock Coffin Pods

supply ship retrieving coffin pod

Now that you've found the coffin pods, you'll need to unlock them to get the rewards held inside. To do this, you'll need to find the Dark Conduit dungeon and complete the objective there.

In the Dark Conduit, you need to restore power to the area by fighting your way through Parasite enemies. This dungeon has a lot of groups of Parasites, but they have relatively low health. Weapons with good AoE damage or lots of ammo will be helpful here.

Once you've restored power in the Dark Conduit, head back to the checkpoint at the start of the dungeon and exit through the elevator. Directly ahead, you'll see a console that can now be activated. Once you interact with this console, the supply ship in the tube before you will turn on and fly to each of the coffin pods that you've activated, retrieving them.

The supply ship will deposit each of the five coffin pods in the area below. Head down there and open each one to get the item inside. You can get the following items from each pod.

  1. Scrap
  2. Iron
  3. Galvanized Resupply Band (Ring)
  4. Difference Engine (Amulet)
  5. Star Shot (Handgun)

You can also complete the Dark Conduit dungeon and restore power to the ship before finding any of the coffin pods. In this case, the ship will retrieve each coffin pod as soon as you interact with it. We still recommend finding each pod before returning to the drop zone to cut down on back-tracking.

Next: Remnant 2: How To Solve The Lemark District Clock Puzzle