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Dead By Daylight sees the release of a new chapter every three months, and these chapters bring along new characters, perks, and maps. For Chapter 29, Behavior Interactive revealed a huge license involving The Xenomorph as the killer and Ellen Ripley as the survivor, both with their three unique perks.

RELATED: Dead By Daylight: How To Counter The Singularity

As a killer, your job is to find and sacrifice all four survivors to make the Entity happy, and The Xenomorph can do that quite well. Its power allows it to move across the map at lightning speed while giving it an edge over survivors during a chase as well.

The Xenomorph's Power, Explained

Dead By Daylight Xenomorph Tunnels

As soon as you load into a trial as The Xenomorph, you'll see seven white auras around the maps. These auras will generally be near each generator on the map, and you can head to any one of them to use the killer's tunnel system. These tunnels connect all the entrances together, and your movement speed is much higher while you're down here.

Moreover, you'll also see your power gauge fill much faster on the bottom left side of your screen. Once this gauge is full, you'll enter the Runner Mode where the Xenomorph walks on all four of its claws and gets a new deadly attack. You can use the Power button to launch this ranged attack at any point.

Unlike other killers, The Xenomorph can't cancel this ranged attack once you press the button. It's guaranteed to go through a second after you press it.

Dead By Daylight Xenomorph Whipping David

Since the ranged attack is quite oppressive, Survivors can get up to four flamethrowers from the same places where you enter tunnels to counter it. If these flamethrowers shoot at you for a couple of seconds, the Runner Mode is disabled and your power gauge starts filling up again slowly.

If that happens, it's recommended to drop the chase and head inside the nearest tunnel. You can simply walk around a bit and get the power back in no time.

Best Overall Build For The Xenomorph

Dead By Daylight Best Build For Xenomorph
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
  • Hex: Blood Favor
  • Lethal Pursuer
  • Gearhead

This all-rounder build will help you win games regularly while playing as The Xenomorph. Lethal Pursuer is the build's highlight as it's arguably the best perk on this killer. You'll find a tunnel nearby as soon as you spawn on the map, and you can traverse them from the start itself. Furthermore, you'll be able to see all survivor auras in these tunnels.

This allows you to start your first chase within seconds, an ability that isn't possessed by most killers in the game. Once you get your first hit after starting the chase, Gearhead activates and reveals all survivor auras for ten seconds whenever they hit a good skillcheck on a generator (two seconds extra because of Lethal).

This combination already makes the killer strong since you'll be able to keep tabs on all survivors.

As soon as you get the first down, you can put the survivor on a Scourge Hook to take away 25 percent progress from the most progressed generator. This can only be used four times every trial, but that's enough to win the game if you use it properly. Finally, Blood Favor makes your chases much easier, leaving the survivors with no choice.

Whenever the survivor loses a health state from your normal or ranged attack, all pallets nearby that aren't dropped become blocked for quite a while. Windows are already a death trap against this killer, making it quite oppressive to go against with this build.

Aura Reading Build

Dead By Daylight Aura Reading Build For Xenomorph
  • A Nurse's Calling
  • Lethal Pursuer
  • Barbecue And Chili
  • Nowhere To Hide

As mentioned above, the killer doesn't lose its aura reading ability in the tunnel, which is much stronger than it sounds because survivors don't have any idea of your current position when you're down there. With this build, you'll know the exact locations of all four survivors at all times during the trial.

After the initial Lethal Pursuer, you can use Barbecue And Chili to locate the survivors doing generators after every hook. This gives you the next destination as you use the tunnel system. If any survivors are trying to heal while you're on the way, Nurse's Calling will reveal their aura to you as well.

If you're using this build, you have to avoid hooking survivors in the middle of the map to get the most value.

Finally, Nowhere To Hide might seem like a redundant perk on The Xenomorph since he can get Killer Instinct when he comes out of tunnels, but it can be very useful. If you can't find survivors near a progressed generator, you can simply kick it and head back into your tunnels.

Nowhere To Hide's aura reading follows the killer, which means that you'll reveal any survivor who comes inside the required radius while traversing at a quick speed.

Complete Slowdown Build

Dead By Daylight Slowdown Build For Xenomorph
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
  • Pop Goes The Weasel
  • Corrupt Intervention
  • Hex: Devour Hope

Slowdown builds are not the most fun to go against as survivors, but you can use them if you want to have some easy-going trials as The Xenomorph. Corrupt Intervention blocks three generators at the start of the game. Apart from preventing survivors from working on these generators, it also forces them towards the killer.

Pain Resonance and Pop are arguably the best slowdown combination in the game since you can chip away up to 55 percent of a generator every time you get a hook. You can use the tunnel system after hooking a survivor to go to a different generator and find the one with the most progress.

You'll need to have high audio if you want to make this build work since you can hear generator sounds inside the tunnels.

If you put Kane's Helmet and Multipurpose Hatchet add-ons on this build, they'll also apply the Mangled and Hemorrhage effects when you hit a survivor with the ranged attack. This will slow down their healing and regress it if you manage to interrupt them in the middle.

Finally, Devour Hope works wonders on The Xenomorph if it doesn't get broken down early. You can down every survivor using your ranged attack, which prevents this perk from being revealed even after three stacks. You can easily build it up to five stacks and instantly mori a survivor, which essentially guarantees your victory.

NEXT: Dead By Daylight: Best Builds For The Singularity